CSR Philosophy
Fundely’s Corporate Philosophy
Fundely believes that it is its corporate social responsibility (CSR) to put its Corporate Philosophy into practice. The company carries out CSR activities with the support of stakeholders to enrich the future of society.
Fundely’s Corporate Philosophy consists of three elements: “Vision,” “Management Principles,” and “Action Guidelines for Employees.” With its Corporate Philosophy always in mind, the company endeavors to help enrich society’s future by carrying out its business activities in meticulous compliance with its Action Guidelines and resolving a wide variety of social challenges through working to achieve its Vision.

Fundely’s Corporate Philosophy
Help as many customers as possible to enjoy dietary health and pleasure, thereby contributing to enriching the future of society.
Management Principle
We remain a company that sincerely wishes every customer good health.
Action Guidelines for Employees
1. Respect the taking on of challenges.
1. Help create a positive and open corporate culture.
1. Have high moral standards and act sensibly.
Together with Our Stakeholders
It is always through interactions with its stakeholders that Fundely carries out its activities. The company places special importance on deep relationships of trust and continued communication with all of you, so that it can contribute to creating a brighter future for society together with you.
1. For our customers
We will not make any compromise with regard to quality to ensure food safety for all customers.
- Clear disclosure of information in “mealtime Quality”
2. For our employees
We aim to be a company filled with energy through the development of a wide range of human resources.
- Promotion of career opportunities for women, diversity, and human resource development
- Encouraging no overtime and providing a comprehensive package of benefits
3. For our shareholders and investors
We provide information about the company in a timely manner and proactively communicate with shareholders and investors on a continued basis.
- Disclosing the status of our stock and offering an IR calendar
- Continually holding information sessions for individual investors
4. For our business partners
We ensure fair and equal deals through deepening mutual understanding with our business partners.
- Implementing fair and equal business deals and maintaining our open-door policy
- Establishing constant communication with our business partners
5. For the environment and our community
We contribute to environmental preservation and social rejuvenation through food.
- Participation in volunteer work abroad as a Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteer
- Support for community activities